<p><strong>HorseTelex Sales</strong></p>
<p><strong>To buy and sell horses </strong></p>
<p>HorseTelexSales in an international sales page for sport and breeding horses of all studbooks. On HorseTelexSales all riding horses of all ages, race and levels of training can be advertised by anyone. <br />
HorseTelexSales distinguishes itself from other sales platforms due to an extensive scale of individual selection and sorting possibilities that make the search for the desired horse much easier. <br />
If your horse is added to the database of HorseTelexPedigree, there is a detailed package available with additional information about the sport and breeding data of the sire and the dam line as well as the whole family of the advertised horse.</p>
<p>HorseTelexSales is a modern, clear, reliable and very quickly growing worldwide internet page with an extensive range of horses for the international and worldwide horse specialist as well as for lovers of horses. <br />
The experience that HorseTelex has made in the last ten years with HorseTelexPedigree, this worldwide database for sport and breeding horses and about 10.000 visitors per day has resulted in to the very complex horse sales page HorseTelexSales.</p>